Have you recently been hired to complete a path, patio, fire pit, dog kennel, tree wall, raised garden paths, or garden beds? If so, our bender boards are the perfect product for the job, as their high-quality look and feel can elevate the landscape in any yard. Best of all, they may last for up to 25 years!
- Made from 100% Recycled Plastics
- Landscape Edging or Non-stick Form Board Options
- Sun Protection
Our boards are made with high-quality recycled plastics that would usually make their way straight to a landfill, harming the environment. Help your company “go green” with our 100% recycled boards! Rest assured that recycled materials do not mean subpar products, as our boards are more than double the weight and thickness of most other edging products on the market!
- 5/8"x5.5"x20'
- 40 Count of Boards
- Estimated 25-Year Life Span
- Each Board Weight 17lb

While Bender Boards are made to be ultra-durable, their composite design does make installation during cold weather a concern. We recommend warming the board up to at least 60 degrees during installation, or the board can snap if bent too much!