The Benefits Of Using Our Pathway Stabilizers For Your Site Part 2
Pathways are meant to serve as convenient vehicles for foot traffic, allowing individuals access to a wide range of locations in this country. From golf courses and historical sites to DIY garden paths at home, businesses and homeowners take pride in the convenience and serenity offered by a dirt or loose stone path. The logistical challenges for these paths, though, can be a lot to plan out. Pedestrian traffic will quickly wear the materials out, and rainfall can create damaging runoff for your walkway systems. Howell Pathways is proud to be a quality source for pathway stabilizers in California, Texas, and nearly every all of the Continental United States. Since 1997, our polyurethane sealant has been perfected and installed in a wide range of sites through our quality services, building a reputation of quality and reliability.
Today, we’ll continue to look into the benefits of using our gravel stabilizer for your paths. Whether you’re in need of assistance for your home garden or a high-traffic business, our experts are here and ready to help.
Code Compliance
One of the major advantages of using Howell Pathways is the fact that our products are ADA compliant. Being able to create a pathway that is both permeable and meets ADA requirements is one reason why we’re your top source for pathway sealants across the country. Our mixtures are also approved for use by the Green Building Council. Anyone in need of water runoff solutions for their commercial property will be happy to hear how adaptable and compliant Howell Pathways can be. From retail stores and garden walkways to historical sites, our product has been put to the test!
Safe Materials
One major concern these days for any product, especially one as durable and effective as ours, is the safety for individuals and the environment. From small children to pets, it’s important to ensure that your polyurethane sealant does not possess any harmful chemicals or side effects. Safety precautions will need to be followed during installation, as liquid polyurethane is a reactive substance that can cause skin and eye irritation. After five to eight hours of drying, the material will be cured and ready for use.
Another benefit of our pathway sealants is the fact that Howell Pathways cures to an inert substance, making it a safe product for the environment. Our stabilizer will not leach into the water and will hold its chemical and color retention at a premium. Your home or business will be completely safe with this static product.
Easy To Install
While our professional technicians have the tools and skills to take on large jobs, we understand the reward and cost efficiency of rolling up your sleeves and doing the job yourself. Howell Pathways is fairly simple to install, and will provide years of use provided that the directions were followed properly. DIYers will need to frame their pathway, add dry stone to the area, compact the materials, and apply the polyurethane sealant. The applicator that you need to apply the pathway sealant a simple watering can. We offer our pump and compressor systems for larger projects, and we are always willing to lend a hand. Howell Pathways was created to offer fast, effective results for nearly any project. One afternoon’s worth of work can create a major benefit for your walkways!
Creating long-term solutions for your garden walkways and landscaping is what we strive to do. Since its inception, Howell Pathways has created amazing results for a wide range of happy clients, including historical sites and college campuses. If you’re looking for a pathway stabilizer in Texas, then you’ve come to the right place. Contact us today to learn more about our amazing product and to receive a quote for your project!